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A. Innovation Hub kick-starts Botswana economic diversification
Botswana economy is being driven into a new direction. For better. The strategy is economic diversification; and the vehicle for diversification is a set of six business hubs: Innovation, Diamond, Health, Transport, Education and Agriculture hubs.
Activities on establishing the Botswana Innovation Hub have started in October 2010. A science park is underway. Botswana Development Corporation - a leading Botswana government investment vehicle - is to play protagonist in setting up the park, due for completion by 2012.
The immediate benefits? Establishment and registration of over 200 companies and creation of over 4000 by 2016. The long-term benefits? Transformation of Botswana to a knowledge-based economy that is complementary to, not dependent on, the single sector of (diamond) mining.
B. Stabilizing the financial services sector
A new financial securities bill to replace the Botswana Stock Exchange Act is underway. The bill is to help govern capital markets in Botswana and supplement the other already existing financial legislative instruments. Meanwhile, the Botswana Stock Exchange corporation which is to be demutualized will transform from a statutory body to a company.

C. Financial security in Botswana
A new development is that investors in Botswana now have full protection for their finance - against fraud, money laundering, tax evasion and corruption. The Financial Intelligence Agency has been established. Currently a crack team of financial experts has been set-up to study financial crime trends in and outside Botswana.
D. Botswana business outlook positive for 2011
Botswana business sector has started the year 2011 with a bang - by being boosted with a declared economic performance confidence amongst the business community. The performance index has ranked Botswana 12th out of 39 participating countries in the world in the 2011 report by Grant Thornton International Business. The index showed an index from 62 per cent in 2010 to 66 per cent in business confidence on Botswana.
E. Positive Botswana National Budget for 2011 to 2012
Botswana Government presented a positive national budget for the period between 2011 and 2012 on 7th February 2011 in spite of the global economic outlook. The budget seeks to achieve rapid economic growth, poverty eradication and economic diversification during the period.
Given the state of global economies now in post-recession, the budget seeks to focus on agreed national priorities while exercising strong fiscal control. 'Every Ministry must have a clear sense of what its priorities are, and how those relate to the national priorities.'
4. BRIEF JANUARY 2011 NEWS - this and that
A. Best Crafts from Botswana on display
Freshly crafted baskets from the Okavango went on display in Gaborone in October 2010. This was a 'crafts invasion' never seen before because of the quality of exquisite baskets that were displayed. These baskets were produced by talented women from the north-west region of Botswana. The baskets were displayed in Thapong Visual Arts Centre. The Centre is located in the Village ward, Gaborone, next to the Village shopping area.
B. Preserving Botswana culture
- i. Kgalagadi cultural festival
In early November 2010, 13 traditional dance troupes representing 13 settlements performed at the Western Kgalagadi Cultural Association cultural festival as a way of preserving the Bakgalagadi and Basarwa ethnic groups' culture. This was done through dance performances and the display of crafts. The troupes from Gantsi and Kgalagadi Districts were from Khawa, Kokotsha, Phuduhudu, Zutshwa, Inalegolo, Maake, Monong, Ukhwi, Bere, New Xade, West Hanahai, Kacgae and New Xade settlements.
- ii. Bakalanga cultural festival
The Domboshaba Cultural Trust plays a leading role in preserving the Bakalanga ethnic group culture by hosting the Kalanga cultural events. The Trust which is on its 10th year running organizes the cultural festival with performances that depict the Kalanga culture and history. For 2010 the festival's theme was 'My Language, My Pride'.
- iii. Dithubaruba cultural festival (Kweneng)
During mid November 2010 Bakwena tribe hosted the Dithubaruba Cultural festival to revive their culture. The event held in the Kgari Sechele I Museum was in its fourth year running.
What is Dithubaruba? This is a hill just outside Molepolole, the capital for Bakwena and of Kweneng District. The hill overlooks the Dithejwane settlement which is the burial place for the Kweneng royalty.
The cultural festival was a whole day's affair starting with a march from the Molepolole kgotla (traditional court or meeting place) to the Kgari Sechele I Museum with most people clad in traditional regalia. Performances included reciting poems, traditional dance, singing and drama. In between events people were treated to traditional Tswana cuisine.
- iv. Bafurutshe cultural festival
Manyana village hosted the Bafurutshe cultural festival in December 2010. The theme of the festival was "Tsosoloso ngwao le ditso tsa Bafurutshe" (loosely translated 'Revival of Bafurutshe Tribe Culture and History'). Bafurutshe tribe reside in villages of Manyana, Mmankgodi, Mogonye, some parts of Kgalagadi and North West Province of South Africa.
- v. Batswapong cultural festival
Batswapong ethnic group celebrated their culture during a festival hosted in Sefhare village in September 2010. Batswapong representatives from all corners of the Tswapong region within the Central District participated in the festivities as they showcased their tradition, norms and beliefs. The highlights of the festival were a religious Tswapong dance called Komana and a tour of Maifala Hill historically renowned for being a good hideout during wars as well as place for worship.
C. World universities championships 2011 in Botswana
The world's best debating teams attended the World Universities Debating Championships 2011 in Botswana. The 2 weeks long event was hosted by the University of Botswana from the 27th December 2010 to 04th January 2011. 61 countries from all continents represented by 352 teams of 1200 participated in the event.
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