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For whom is this site?

For both locals and the international community....who investors in general, or investors in the areas of travel, tourism and the arts and crafts.

And everyone.

You are most welcome. is an independent service that provides information on business services and products from Botswana. We strive to give you the most accurate and up-to-date information about investment in the country.

We are not making any claim to possess the 'absolute wisdom' on the Botswana topic; however, our broad-based research plus the intimate knowledge we have on our country give us the 'licence' to write informatively.

It is worth noting that through a number of tools on this site you too can contribute some information on Botswana. So, ride on, share what you got to build the 'rich picture' of Botswana. Team will make you aware of the available products and services in the country that can be of benefit to you.

This site is a forum for the business community in Botswana and those who want to invest in the country.

It is also a platform for 'bartering' Botswana's products and services with those of the world.

Both the information and products provided through will be accurate, reliable and of good quality, as the primary aim is to share the best of Botswana.

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