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United Entrepreneurs Botswana

A new business platform for all aspiring and established Batswana entrepreneurs is emerging, which aims to offer mentorship and motivation, and enable local business  products and services to flourish. Key to this platform would be to establish a culture of collaboration to discourage a solo-oriented approach to engaging in business.

Speakers during the first UEB business symposium - (l - r: Hezborn Chintu, Thobo Kerekang, Joshua Grace, Paul Marakalala, Kate Nkawana)

What is United Entrepreneurs Botswana?

UEB is a pioneering project of uniting Batswana entrepreneurs from all walks of life, who are at different levels of engaging in business activities seeking to work collaboratively with one another. The project seeks to bring together business aspirants and the established businesses, including those that are struggling and those doing well to collaborate in business for independent growth.

The project uses symposia for interaction and mentorship through a presentation of targeted topics to the members and all other interested business persons. The mentorship activities are led by business leaders who generally share practical experiences of running a business. In addition, the group provides a platform for exhibition of products by members to display their products and services to confirm that individuals indeed act on the guidance they receive. 

Baboloki Paul Marakalala

Host of the UEB forum, a young Motswana entrepreneur and graduate of the School of Business in Botswana Accountancy College

‘it is a great wish to see all Batswana entrepreneurs operating under one roof, sharing business skills, advising them to engage in proper business other than being tender-preneurs, as tender-preneurship is not a business’

MOTTO: You are not alone!

Who are United Entrepreneurs Botswana?

The name of the group is referenced as United Entrepreneurs Botswana, spear-headed by a few local individuals. Its membership is made of any Batswana who seek to come on board as members by virtue of being individual business persons. The members are expected to provide all support and administrative work for the conduct of the group’s affairs. The forum operates on a public limited company (PLC) model with every one having equal stake in the group’s activities.

The concept

It has been evident for a while that local entrepreneurs operate on their own, individually and independently with no effort for collaboration. In addition, local entrepreneurs tend to go into business without business skills – and the resultant pattern is that whereas those who go into business for money, their businesses collapse when money is not coming in; and those who are successful tend to have poor financial management skills.

Kate Nkawana

A renowned motivational speaker who encourages people to undergo self-discovery. Also a business mentor - co-pioneer of the United Entrepreneurs concept

Topic: Awakening The Giant In Us

She gave a presentation in bringing out the greatness in us: 

‘See yourself as a miner – inside of you there is a diamond which symbolizes the greatness that you have to bring out'

'Before you start business look inwardly first, those who became successful had to overcome challenges...'

Nationally, Batswana have access to institutions such as LEA, CEDA, etc, which have been established by government to provide support to local entrepreneurs. Likewise, UEB too compliments that support by targeting basic starters with no knowledge of running a business and bringing them together with those who are established in business. In addition, the group provides funding and mentorship especially to the marginalized, who doubt that they can do it in business! Targeted motivation is given to close a gap between the successful and the less able to ensure that no one is left behind!

Hence UEB has adopted the motto You Are Not Alone!

The vision

There is an increased acceptance of establishing Botswana on a knowledge-based economy, UEB aims to help Batswana premise their businesses on appropriate business skills. This will be extended to encourage the introduction of business curricula even at primary school levels.

The first UEB Business Symposium

Symposium participants being awarded certificates of attendance

UEB conducted its first symposium on the 10th October 2020, with a 100% attendance rate of the only 50 booked and allocated slots restricted by the Covid-19 pandemic protocols. The event was sponsored by the Local Enterprise Authority (LEA) a semi-autonomous government agency that supports local businesses, Botswana Accountancy College (BAC), and Keno Customs Suites a privately owned business. The audience was made up of local businesses who were lucky to find a slot in the much-awaited event!

Line up of Speakers 

Various topics, made by a good line-up of speakers, were presented to the audience of aspiring entrepreneurs, with the proceedings presided over by Kefentse Lesego.

Joshua Grace

Topic: sustenance and survival during the pandemic

‘success demands creativity, the Covid-19 pandemic should be an opportunity'

Veronica Mphathi BAC 

Topic: the why what and how of entrepreneurship

‘no one wants your product, they want their problem solved..'

Mompoloki Lerumo Mogobe

Topic: importance of investment

‘position yourself for good and bad times – saving and investing; enthuse, energise, empower’

Eric Otukile

Topic: LEA programmes

‘why do I want to do this business? Conduct research to inform your idea’

Hezborn Chintu

Topic: financial management, competitive strategies, leadership in business

‘start small – nothing in this world starts big, produce must match the producer’

Thobo Kerekang (business owner of Keno suites)

Topic: business marketing

‘business is a numbers’ game, embrace struggle; occasionally ignite your business to stay relevant to your market'

Director of Ceremonies - Kefentse Lesego

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What They Said About
The Symposium,


"As the first symposium I have ever attended in my life, it was an amazing experience, and I really thank God for such an opportunity. Knowledge comes in so many different ways and that includes attending seminars which gives one the opportunity to interact with others by sharing ideas, skills and experiences." 

Tebo Ngwako

"It was well organized and very informative. Every speaker was relevant, with everything so excellent for the first event. Indeed it was worth more to attend."

Katlego Seiphi 

"I learned a thing or two at the seminar; one about integrity and the other about personal and corporate branding....these were the topics that stood out for me. As an aspiring businesswoman I didn't realize the seriousness of personal branding but thanks to the seminar for the education."

Adzhani Baathodi

"It was a great moment attending the seminar. Quite empowering for me. I was rather interested in the dream and vision part; that presentation was fully packed.

I learned a lot and see myself as a successful woman. Thank you once again to the seminar organizers and guest speakers. Continue with the good work."

Gosego Paakane

"Hello. I would like to thank UEBS for such an opportunity to be one of the first people to attend the inaugural symposium when history was made at BNYC. Indeed this was the beginning of such an inspiring event.

Let me applaud those who participated in the event 'ke re le ka moso bana ba mo gae.' I also applaud all those who shared their business knowledge with participants."

Montle Molatole

"The seminar was informative; I enjoyed and learned a lot of the presentations. I hope that especially entrepreneurship topics like benchmarking, franchising, etc, will be included in the coming seminars."